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Tag: PLAY 95

REVIEW: Nova Covert Ops

In the autumn of 2002, almost 14 years ago, Blizzard introduced the world to agent November Annabella “Nova” Terra,…
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REVIEW: Battlezone 98 Redux

We’ll be honest with you: we liked this game’s graphics better when it originally came out 18 years ago.…
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REVIEW: Dark Souls 3

The Souls series has come a long way. Basing its roots from the title Demon’s Souls, it made us…
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REVIEW: Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

Love the Emperor for He is the salvation of mankind. Obey His words for He will lead you into…
4842 1

REVIEW: The Banner Saga…

The caravan made its way west through a snow-covered tundra. Travelling together were humans and horned giants – two…
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