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Tag: logitech

REVIEW: Logitech Pro Gaming…

loans-cash.netThe latest editions of Logitech gaming mice have been really good but it seems that they have gone more…
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REVIEW: Logitech G29 and…

With Logitech, we got us used to the fact that they send us really good quality peripherals to test…
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Ovog vikenda Hitman Sniper…

U susret novom filmu Hitman: Agent 47 koji u bioskope stiže od 27. avgusta, filmska distributerska kuća MCF MegaCom…
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Logitech G29

Stižu novi Logitech PS4…

Logitech je najavio dva nova volana za PlayStation 4 i Xbox One (za svaku platformu po jedan). Međutim, objavljivanje…
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HARDWARE: Logitech G103

Od Logitech gaming serije smo navikli da dobijamo uređaje vrhunskih karakteristika ali koji imaju i adekvatno visoku cenu. Tastatura…
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