PLAY! ; PLAY! Zine

Tag: 87

REVIEW: Everybody’s gone to…

Sometimes it’s hard to determine if a semi-automated multimedia narrative experience that eschews interaction can be called a game.…
3093 1


ZombiU was one of the best games that came out simultaneously with the WiiU. The use of GamePad controller…
3290 0

REVIEW: Evoland 2

Most of us remember the first RPG games on PCs and consoles with fondness. Games like The Legend of…
3394 1

REVIEW: Pinball FX2 Marvel’s…

When we’re talking about Marvel heroes, everyone usually thinks about X-men, Iron Man, the Hulk or Captain America… The…
3532 1

REVIEW: Rocket League

What makes a perfect, or almost perfect, game? Is it the graphics, storyline, setting, gameplay? Each person will say…
3093 0

REVIEW: F1 2015

Codemasters could potentially write a book on “How to ruin a good series” and use F1 as the main…
3189 0

Stigao je septembarski PLAY!…

Posle dva meseca letnje pauze, ponovo se vraća PLAY! Zine, jači nego ikada! (osim MGSV opisa) Mi smo se…
2776 0

PLAY! ZINE 87 –…

Posle dva meseca letnje pauze, ponovo se vraća PLAY! Zine, jači nego ikada! (osim MGSV opisa) Mi smo se…
3519 0

REVIEW: God of War…

God of War serijalu remasteri svakako nisu strani. Moglo bi se reći da je GoW imao remastere dok su…
2881 0

REVIEW: Guild of Dungeoneering

Da li ste se ikada našli u društvu okruženom papirima sa raznima tabelama i brojevima, knjigama sa pričama o…
2899 0

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