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Срочный займ на карту Earth. Year, unknown. A bleak future is before us. Humanity had survived, bereft of all benefits it used to enjoy. With no electricity, and with only…
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Diablo 1 Anniversary Patch: Blizzard of The ‘North’

If you are an avid Diablo 3 player then you damn-well know that Blizzard has released the Diablo 3 content patch 2.4.3, which introduces a wide variety of changes that improve…
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REVIEW: Logitech Pro Gaming Mouse

loans-cash.netThe latest editions of Logitech gaming mice have been really good but it seems that they have gone more in to the territory of over complex devices of custom shapes and…
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REVIEW: Overcooked

They say that too many cooks may spoil the stew, but in Overcooked’s case there is no such thing as too many. That is, no more than four, because this is…
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REVIEW: RunGunJumpGun

Come on; come on come on comeoncomeoncomeon….. If videogames could talk, this would be heard from the space on your hard drive where RunGunJumpGun is installed, a small indie title that…
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REVIEW: Guards we have an indie game from Battlecruiser Games studio that could at first glance be categorized as a simple mobile port with tower defense or turn-based gameplay. However, that’s not…
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REVIEW: Clustertruck

A bunch of slackers sat down at the local tavern with pitchers of suspicious beer and shouted their opinions of the Belorussian Squash Cup semi-finals match. Suddenly, one of them bellowed:…
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REVIEW: Grow Up the huge success of last year’s Grow Home, we now can enjoy the sequel to the botanical robot’s adventure! Bad is back with an even bigger new adventure. During his…
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REVIEW: Mother Russia Bleeds game designers don’t get that it’s not enough to make a game with “pixel graphics” for it to be cool and retro. It simply doesn’t work that way. There are…
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REVIEW: Redout may or may not remember the movie Hackers from the mid-‘90s. If you can’t remember the endlessly cheesy “Crash n Burn” jokes and other wacky nicknames that characters gave themselves,…
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