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REVIEW: Razer Mamba TE

Razer is one of the pioneers of professional gaming gear and, of course, one of the market leaders in the field. Last year saw the refresh of their best mouse –…
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Over the years we got used to the fact that Asus computers can provide us with top notch performance in video games when it comes to laptops. However, the engineers at…
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REVIEW: Steel Series Siberia 200

Steelseries Siberia has generally been considered to be one of the most popular gaming headsets for a number of years now and recently they’ve received an update. We were already familiar…
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REVIEW: Steelseries Apex M800 keyboard

Each time we get a new product from Steel Series we expect something extraordinary, so they immediately got our attention when they announced that Apex M800 is the fastest mechanical keyboard…
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REVIEW: Asus Strix Tactic Pro keyboard

We got the opportunity to have a good look at another Asus Strix gaming peripheral – a Tactic Pro keyboard. When you first take the Tactic Pro keyboard out of the…
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Kingston HyperX Showcase – Gamescom 2015

Under the HyperX brand, Kingston still only has headphones on offer, and with Cloud 2 recently getting a white-purple-pink variant for the ladies, although the guys from Kingston have said that…
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Razer Showcase – Gamescom 2015

Razer has been on the forefront of innovation for some time now, be that in the field of gaming hardware, software solutions, ultra-fast laptops, and even fitness wristbands. The main products…
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REVIEW: ASUS Strix Claw gaming mouse & Glide Speed mouse pad

Asus had gained recognition over the years for their excellent motherboards and graphics cards first and foremost, but also for their laptops and tablets, and now they’re seriously expanding their business…
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The new generation of ASUS Strix Radeons

For a while now, Asus has been known on their Strix GPU series, designed for those that want better performance, better cooling, and simply top quality. With that in mind, the…
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