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The Binding of Isaac is too violent for Apple

At first glance The Binding of Isaac doesn’t seem as horrifying as you might have heard: a kid running across a muddy field, shooting bubbles at flies, collecting coins… and then you get startled with a sudden “Oh god, is this what I think it is?” as some kind of horror’ taking place on your screen. This isn’t some “nice and benevolent” game; moreover you’ll need strong guts to play through all of its cartoonish horrors.

It seems that Apple has no place for this game in its digital shop, because they’ve declined it with the explanation that it portrays violence against children, i.e. the titular character. One of the game’s producers broke out the news on his Twitter account, disappointed with Apple’s decision, because this isn’t nearly the first violent game to appear on the Appstore. The game’s authors have been long contemplating the release of an iOS port, and the recent release of an expansion seemed like the best opportunity to do so. It remains to be seen what steps they mean to take going further – will they censor parts of the game, or completely boycott the platform.

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