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Tag: hardware

Kingston HyperX Showcase –…

Under the HyperX brand, Kingston still only has headphones on offer, and with Cloud 2 recently getting a white-purple-pink…
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Razer Showcase – Gamescom…

Razer has been on the forefront of innovation for some time now, be that in the field of gaming…
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REVIEW: ASUS Strix Claw…

Asus had gained recognition over the years for their excellent motherboards and graphics cards first and foremost, but also…
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The new generation of…

For a while now, Asus has been known on their Strix GPU series, designed for those that want better…
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HARDWARE: Logitech G103

Od Logitech gaming serije smo navikli da dobijamo uređaje vrhunskih karakteristika ali koji imaju i adekvatno visoku cenu. Tastatura…
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