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The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth ekspanzija stiže do kraja godine

Tvorac The Binding of Isaac igre Edmund MekMilen, danas je objavio na zvaničnom sajtu/blogu da ekspanzija za igru pod nazivom Afterbirth stiže pre katoličkog Božića. Tačan release date će biti objavljen na: sledećeg utorka. Najvljen je veliki popust za preorder, kao i novi Greed mode. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, twin-stick shooter inspirisan starijim The Legend of Zelda naslovima, je de-make mega popularne java igre i jedna od konstantno najgledanijih igara na Twitch-u od kako se pojavila. Novi gameplay sa Pax Prime sajma možete pogledati ovde:

Deadpool igra stiže i na PS4 i Xbox One

Deadpool igra koja je 2013-e izašla za PS3, Xbox 360 i PC, uskoro dobija reizdanje za novije konzole. PS4 i Xbox One verzije će sadržati sve do sada objavljene DLC dodatke. Za sada nemamo informacija o eventualnim grafičkim unapređenjima. Cena je 50 dolara, što je za 20 više u odnosu za koliko se trenutno mogu kupiti PS3 i X360 verzije igre. Igra stiže 17. novembra.

Ovo je prva EA Star Wars igra za mobilne platforme

Još za vreme E3 sajma ove godine EA je najavio prvu Star Wars igru koju će napraviti za mobilne platforme. U pitanju je Galaxy of Heroes, o kojoj do sada nismo imali puno informacija. Sada je stigao prvi trejler za igru, koji nam pokazuje šta možemo očekivati od ovog naslova. Galaxy of Heroes je potezna RPG igra u kojoj sakupljate likove iz bogate istorije Star Wars serijala kako bi napravili vaš najmoćniji tim. Naravno, tu su light i dark strana sile kao i legendarni likovi poput Luka Skajvokera, Dart Vejdera, Boba Feta i drugi. Svaki od njih naravno ima svoje prednosti i mane koje će se videti u gameplay-u. Igra stiže krajem godine za iOS i Android. Pogledajte trejler ispod. Ako je suditi bo odnosu lajkova i dislajkova video…

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35 dana 35 nagrada! – utorak 01.09 – FireFall ranac

Pozdrav svima, Izvučeni dobitnik jučerašnje nagrade je – Milan Divac Čestitamo Milanu koji je dobio Gran Turismo majicu. Ostalima želimo više sreće. Nastavite da se prijavljujete za dnevne nagrade. Možete se prijaviti svaki dan za nagradu, nema ograničenja. Oni koji su lakjkovali stranicu i subscribeovali na YT kanal, sada je potrebno samo da sharuju dnevni post za dnevnu nagradu i da pošalju privatnu poruku za taj dan da se prijavljuju za nagradu. Današnja nagrada je – FireFall ranac. Prava stvar za početak nove školske godine. Dobitnik ranca će biti izvučen u sredu- 02.09.2015 Sutra u 12h očekujte novu nagradu za koju se možete prijaviti. Ako su vam promakla pravila igre, evo šta je potrebno da uradite kako bi se prijavili za dnevnu nagradu: Like naše FB strane i Subscribe na naš…

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Kingston HyperX Showcase – Gamescom 2015

Under the HyperX brand, Kingston still only has headphones on offer, and with Cloud 2 recently getting a white-purple-pink variant for the ladies, although the guys from Kingston have said that a large number of males is getting them as well. Just like the black-and-red ones, these headphones are fully compatible with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, along with full Windows compatibility of course. On the other hand, Kingston showcased their Predator PCIe SSD, the SSD drive that goes into your PCIe slot of your motherboard, as its name suggests, and thereby nullifying all restrictions brought about by SATA connections and allowing for blistering speeds of data transfer. Even Savage SSD, which is one of the fastest SSDs on the market, can’t come close…

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Novi 1 TB Xbox One model će imati i SSD

Microsoft je objavio da će od 3. novembra u prodaji biti dostupan Xbox One Elite bundle koji će u sebi sadržati hibridni SSD kapaciteta 1 TB. Sama konzola će imati matiranu plastiku. Za razliku od standardne, ova konzola će se zahvaljujući SSD-u iz sleep moda pokretati do 20 procenata brže. U pakovanju se nalazi i novi Elite Wireless Controller. Cena je 499 dolara u Americi. Sam Elite kontroler će takoće biti dostupan u prodaji po ceni od 150 dolara, što je tri puta više od običnog kontrolera.

Razer Showcase – Gamescom 2015

Razer has been on the forefront of innovation for some time now, be that in the field of gaming hardware, software solutions, ultra-fast laptops, and even fitness wristbands. The main products that Razer wanted to showcase to their GamesCom audience were those from their Chroma series. Firstly, there’s the new Razer Mamba, a mouse that comes in both wired and wireless versions. Its neutral looks is something that you would expect many other types of mice to look like, be they from them or other manufacturers, which is a good thing. What’s specific about it is that it can change its color schemes and has their famed 16 million color combinations that you can program by yourself. The wired version is fairly light, but according…

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REVIEW: ASUS Strix Claw gaming mouse & Glide Speed mouse pad

Asus had gained recognition over the years for their excellent motherboards and graphics cards first and foremost, but also for their laptops and tablets, and now they’re seriously expanding their business to the field of gaming peripherals. So it’s no wonder that they’re using their brand Strix to position themselves in this segment, a brand that they’ve used for their most advanced graphics cards. So here we have Strix Claw mouse and Glide Speed mouse pad.   Asus Strix Claw gaming mouse Strix Claw is a mouse of solid proportions with surface made out of special rubberized plastic, so it feels great to hold in hand. As its name suggests, this mouse is best used with the so-called “claw grip” for best results, although it…

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Ovo je Halo 5 uvodni cinematic (Video)

Microsoft je na zvaničnom Xbox Youtube kanalu objavio uvodni video za  Halo 5: Guardians. Spartan Locke i Fireteam Osiris su na misiji u kojoj susreću i Covenant i Promethean snage, što dovodi do prepoznatljive Halo akcije. Trejler možete pogledati ispod. Halo 5: Guardians izlazi 27. oktobra za Xbox One. U singleplayer kampanji će vašeg lika u svakom trenutku pratiti još 3 Spartanaca kojima možete izdavati naređenja ili ih mogu kontrolisati i drugi igrači. Igra će imati i robustan multiplayer mod sa preko 20 mapa, a razvojni tim 343 Industries najavljuje makar još 15 novih koje će biti besplatni dodaci za igru nakoš što ona postane dostupna na tržištu.

The new generation of ASUS Strix Radeons

For a while now, Asus has been known on their Strix GPU series, designed for those that want better performance, better cooling, and simply top quality. With that in mind, the new generation of AMD Radeon 3xx chips presented us with an opportunity to check out the new range of Strix cards based on them.   The Evolution of Radeon At this year’s E3, AMD showcased the newest architecture featured in their Fury cards that truly brings many improvements, from their new memory controller, to water cooling as a standard. However, those cards currently easily price at over 100.000 dinars in our market, making them much less interesting to review as something that an average gamer simply cannot afford. On the other hand, AMD has…

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