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Game review

REVIEW: Everybody’s gone to the Rapture

Sometimes it’s hard to determine if a semi-automated multimedia narrative experience that eschews interaction can be called a game. Games like Everybody’s gone to the Rapture are definitely not helpful when…
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ZombiU was one of the best games that came out simultaneously with the WiiU. The use of GamePad controller for WiiU was implemented in an interesting manner, interesting gameplay and solid…
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REVIEW: Evoland 2

Most of us remember the first RPG games on PCs and consoles with fondness. Games like The Legend of Zelda, Fina Fantasy, DragonQuest, Shining Force and many others were at the…
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REVIEW: Pinball FX2 Marvel’s Ant-man

When we’re talking about Marvel heroes, everyone usually thinks about X-men, Iron Man, the Hulk or Captain America… The usual popular characters and series. Ant-man, Marvel’s tiniest hero, is better known…
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REVIEW: Rocket League

What makes a perfect, or almost perfect, game? Is it the graphics, storyline, setting, gameplay? Each person will say a different thing and probably be right. But they all have one…
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REVIEW: F1 2015

Codemasters could potentially write a book on “How to ruin a good series” and use F1 as the main topic. F1 2015 is everything that an F1 game shouldn’t be. The…
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Velika PLAY! nagradna igra – 35 dana 35 nagrada!

Odlučili smo da nagradimo naše verne fanove. Počevši od 28. avgusta pa sve do 1. oktobra, svaki dan ćemo preko našeg sajta deliti neku interesantnu gaming stvarčicu! Nismo li mi sjajni, volimo…
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PRVI UTISCI: StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Prologue

Kada je konačno i najavljen zaključak StarCraft 2 trilogije imao sam pomešane emocije. Deo mene je bio srećan što ću nastaviti s kampanjom,  što će multiplayer obogatiti novim jedinicama, ali sam…
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REVIEW: God of War 3 Remastered

God of War serijalu remasteri svakako nisu strani. Moglo bi se reći da je GoW imao remastere dok su oni bili još uvek sveža ideja, a ne glavni trend u industriji…
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REVIEW: Guild of Dungeoneering

Da li ste se ikada našli u društvu okruženom papirima sa raznima tabelama i brojevima, knjigama sa pričama o avanturama i herojima, i raznobojnim kockicama različitih oblika, i pomislili kako sve…
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