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Tag: Review

REVIEW: Armikrog

Armikrog starts with a bombastic, hyperactive animation, followed by a theme song similar to the ones from the ’80s…
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Video review: Blood Bowl…

Poslednje sekunde utakmice, vaš tim ima loptu i na svega dvadeset jardi do touchdown linije kapiten tima pada i…
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Video review: SOMA

Frictional games ne treba posebno predstavljati. Ovaj studio iz Švedske je kroz serijale Penumbra i Amnesia postavio nove standarde…
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REVIEW: Destiny The Taken…

After the huge hype before Destiny was finally released last year, a lot of players were left a bit…
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REVIEW: Super Mario Maker

Nintendo started to change. That much is certain by now. Or what’s certain is the desire to change on…
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REVIEW: Metal Gear Solid…

I have needed about a hundred hours of gameplay to come full circle and find a meaningful way to…
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Years pass and fans of football simulations eagerly await to see what the guys from EA and Konami got…
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SOMA is probably one of the most anticipated games this year, which shouldn’t come as a surprise when we…
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Mad Max: Fury Road is considered by many to be the best movie this summer. Dumb, plotless, absurd and…
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REVIEW: Until Dawn

The horror games so far have tackled many different themes, but none of them managed to capture the feel…
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