PLAY! ; PLAY! Zine


REVIEW: Unravel

To bring a video game’s protagonist to life and have us identify with them through narration, acting, and situations…
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REVIEW: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles:…

This might not be a normal review. Correction, this certainly won’t be a normal review. Unfortunately, we’re in a…
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REVIEW: Firewatch

Before I sat down to play Firewatch, I have watched more than enough trailers for this game, and all…
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REVIEW: The Witness

Oh, those puzzle games… You know, one can state themselves to be a fan of puzzle games, have dozens…
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REVIEW: Far Cry Primal

Let’s go back through time, say 12 thousand years ago, when mammoths roamed our planet, and our ancestor’s every…
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REVIEW: Street Fighter V

How do you do, Ken? Many years before gaming centers, multi-million dollar tournaments and even the term eSports, we…
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REVIEW: Life is Strange

It’s hard growing up. When you’re teenager, everything seems strange, your emotions fluctuate, and you make bad decisions after…
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REVIEW: That Dragon, Cancer

Sometimes a bad game gets published; sometimes a good game gets published. And sometimes a game gets published that…
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REVIEW: Oxenfree

Oxenfree is a debut game from the Night School Studio, a young indie studio, who’s in part comprised of…
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REVIEW: UnderRail

The world is almost destroyed. The surface of our small planet is completely uninhabitable and the survivors are relocating…
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