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REVIEW: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

It’s simply wonderful when a title transfers from one medium to another and in doing so the quality of it not only remains, but even increases significantly. This was the case…
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REVIEW: Unravel

To bring a video game’s protagonist to life and have us identify with them through narration, acting, and situations they’re in, is not easy. To bring a piece of wool string…
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REVIEW: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia

This might not be a normal review. Correction, this certainly won’t be a normal review. Unfortunately, we’re in a situation where we have to review the same game twice in two…
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REVIEW: Firewatch

Before I sat down to play Firewatch, I have watched more than enough trailers for this game, and all of them intrigued me to try it out. Besides that, the very…
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REVIEW: The Witness

Oh, those puzzle games… You know, one can state themselves to be a fan of puzzle games, have dozens of fully explored titles with every secret unlocked, an open mind towards…
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REVIEW: Far Cry Primal

Let’s go back through time, say 12 thousand years ago, when mammoths roamed our planet, and our ancestor’s every day was a fight for survival. Sounds like a cool premise for…
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REVIEW: Street Fighter V

How do you do, Ken? Many years before gaming centers, multi-million dollar tournaments and even the term eSports, we have competed on arcade machines at their namesake Arcade rooms. There was…
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REVIEW: Life is Strange

It’s hard growing up. When you’re teenager, everything seems strange, your emotions fluctuate, and you make bad decisions after which you wish that you could turn back the time and see…
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REVIEW: That Dragon, Cancer

Sometimes a bad game gets published; sometimes a good game gets published. And sometimes a game gets published that makes you remember the popular internet saying about ninjas cutting onions. That…
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REVIEW: Oxenfree

Oxenfree is a debut game from the Night School Studio, a young indie studio, who’s in part comprised of ex-developers from TellTale Games. If you’re familiar with the work of that…
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