Riot je priznao postojanje prilično velikog problema koji omogućuje hakeru pristup prodavnici igre League of Legends is web-browsera koji onda na taj način može da operiše sa nalozima kojima inače nema pristup.
U slučaju da haker ima pristup informacijama kao što su Session Token i Summoner ID može pristupiti prodavnici preko web-browsera (umesto browsera u igri) i na taj način može da obavlja IP i RP transakcije na tom nalogu. Riot se oglasio povodom zabrinutosti sledećom izjavom:
“We’re getting this fixed right now, though we can’t speak to the specifics of the exploit or the explanations fellow Redditors have been offering,” the spokesperson said. “What we can say is that we can see everyone who was hit by an attack, and we’ll be returning all RP/IP that was lost.
“Since the store was involved, we also want to reassure you that this didn’t expose any personal information like credit card numbers. Your data is safe.”
Interesantno je da su jedni od igrača koji su hakovani profesionalni igrači Imaqtpie i Nightblu3, a evo kako to izgleda “uživo”.